
AuScope is committed to advancing research within the Australian geoscience community by providing robust data, services, and tools. As a crucial element of the "Data Lens" integrated into the AuScope Downward-Looking Telescope, the AuScope Discovery Portal aggregates metadata from affiliated data catalogues, enhancing overall accessibility. Recognising the evolving landscape, it has become evident that enhancements are necessary for the data repositories of AuScope partners and universities, ensuring effective curation of data from AuScope projects. Many of these repositories lack structured metadata suitable for integration into the Discovery Portal and offer limited support for data discovery and retention. As a result, institutional data repositories often fall short of supporting AuScope's commitment to making data from its projects Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) for both human and machine utilisation.

AuScope aims to offer a trusted digital repository for its communities, encompassing NCRIS-funded data projects and the broader Australian Geoscience research community. This repository aligns with the FAIR Data Guiding Principles and community-endorsed practices, ensuring that datasets are openly available with appropriate attributions to foster open science. The repository is vital in fostering innovation in geoscience research, supporting the objectives outlined in the AuScope 5-Year Investment Plan and the Australian Academy of Science Decadal Plan for Australian Geoscience: Our Planet, Australia's Future.

This initiative is made possible through the support of AuScope and is funded by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).